Toronto, Canada

Walking on the glass floor of the CN Tower is one of the main attractions in Toronto. The glass floor is 1,122 feet above the ground. Children have no problem walking or crawling on it while adults are more reluctant. August 2006. Marcher sur le plancher de verre de la Tour CN est une des…

Toronto, Canada

This looks like Bollywood. Who would believe this picture was taken in Canada? Toronto is the city with the largest Indian community outside India (more than 600,000 members). August 2006. Ceci ressemble à Bollywood. Qui croirait que cette photo a été prise au Canada ? En dehors du continent indien, Toronto est la ville avec…

Toronto, Canada

When I used to think about Toronto, the name would bring reminiscences of Fenimore Cooper’s or Jack London’s novels, rather than those a modern city. Toronto is indeed the largest city in Canada. Located on the banks of Lake Ontario, Toronto could also be taken for a seaside resort, with ferry boats like this one,…